"Do You Ever Worry About Not Finding Your Mr/Ms. Right And Spending The Rest Of Your Life On Your Own?"
Are you simply tired of searching that someone special with whom you want to spend rest of your life? Sometimes you wonder that where exactly are you going wrong in establishing the right qualities of Mr/Ms. Right. Are you fed up of going on blind dates hoping some day you will come across Mr/Ms. Right, after all you have to kiss few frogs before you get your prince charming or find your cinderella. My dear friends there are no secrets to find your Mr/Ms. Right. I asked more often my "Single" friends what's their ideal perfect mate. Most of the characteristics are:- Soul mate, Emotional compatibility, financially secured, intelligent, a great sense of humor, a total gentleman, unconditionally loving, not scared of commitments, responsible, should be handsome, tall, choice of profession and should be a husband/wife material, sexy, independent woman, practical in life, smart. Not many women/men are convinced from the fact that there is nothing like Mr/Ms. Right. But still many women/men break their existing relationship or remain single; they think there is no spark in the relationship just because their expectations are not met. Always remember the kind of men/women who falls in your expectations list must be having the same list. And maybe, you also don’t meet his/her requirements. So you may face this reality one day. It’s miserable that how some people wait for years and is obstinate about their kind of Mr/Ms. Right; saddest part is when they hit 40 even then they are single and lonely.
Mr/Ms. Right dream and fail to come out of your fantasies. Have you ever thought that why you are still Single? Now it’s a high time for you to change your focus towards life.
By now you must be dying to know that how can you find Mr/Ms. Right.
Why should I compromise?!!!!!!!
The fact is compromising does not mean that you are not finding Mr/Ms. Right .You just need to brush away your unrealistic fantasies and think in a wise way. Do you consider yourself a perfect match? Don’t dismiss any man based on few trivial conflicts in your relationship; issues are bound to happen in any kind of relationship. The most important thing in any relationship is to handle all their differences in a mature way. Let’s analyze the kind of relationships you have with your family and with your best buddies. Is it always smooth? The answer will be a big NO! But at the same time you know they love you for what you are. No matter how many times you fight with your buddies but you still love them without any doubt. So, it’s just about modifying your Mr/MS. Right list in a way to suit to a more realistic picture of the reality.
How to find Mr. Right?
Modify your outlook of Mr/Ms. Right. Maybe now it’s the right time to change your attitude towards Mr?Ms. Right. Why do you think that looks are that important? Do you prefer clinging to his/her looks all the time or relating to that person to compliment your real side. These days most of the girls are independent, so marrying someone for the sake of financial security will not be right. After carefully analyzing the realistic picture of Mr?ms. Right, ask yourself that have you dismissed someone who compliments your life?
Make yourself Available
Never overlook any aspect of a guy/girl until and unless you have spent quality time with him/her. Sometimes, people take time to open up. That is why right communication is important. Just go for a cup of coffee, share your thoughts, dreams, motive is to communicate well to share each others view towards life.Be an open minded person! Never miss an opportunity to ask a guy/girl out for a coffee’s I'm sure guys appreciate girls giving them importance and vice versa
Missing your ex?
Look up to all the possibilities, give a try. Sometimes our choices should be flexible, see things from a different perspective, it will help you in making the right decision. Right communication is vital for any relationship that is why sharing your hidden sentiments will help you in expressing yourself and in the end it concisely makes a big difference.
Finding Mr/Ms. Right is not tough provided you have realistic expectations towards life. The only key to find Mr/Ms. Right is to redesign your outlook towards Mr/Ms. Right . Don’t put too much emphasis on the outer beauty or materialistic things because that will never be everlasting, the only thing which will last is the compatibility!
Jenny : We'll so far this is what I've come up based from my research. Right now I'm not looking for my perfect mate or the right person because their is not such thing as "Perfect" it's actually up to you to the make that person right for you.
Source :http://www.embraceyourlove.com/9/romance/how-to-find-mr-right/